Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Home again home again jiggety-jig...

...something mom always said.

we're back again. We got home from my sisters Saturday night, went to bed, got up for church, came home, ate lunch and left again.
we just got back from 2 days at the cottage--complete with some leftover ernesto rain.
some highlights:
princess b did some fishing

I caught and ate my very first fish!
  • I worked on the flamingo sock #2
  • I took a 2 hour nap (can't remember the last time I did that when there wasn't sickness involved)

    I made a merged picture of the "I dreamed of Africa sock".
    here's me in Kenya, making strips of material for the girls to knit rag rugs. The sock is beside me, in it's early days--and then the finished pair.

That's about it for now.
I am actually excited that tomorrow is the first day of school. no school for me, no school for princess b, but there is something about fall and the newness of school that gets me excited.
That and I just bought some fall clothes. I actually bought 2 sweaters from the goodwill. One is a very nice wool fair isle (again, I am trying to get over my fear of wool).
Went to tar-zhay and bought some jeans and cool shoes (I'm all about brown and pink these days, not sure why).
I am looking forward to wearing sweaters, which means...
I need to cast on for the hourglass sweater.
I have tried to e-mail to be part of the KAL, but no response.
I'll get the sock done first and then we'll see.
I am trying to do a picot bind off, but it's not working so well. Anyone else tried it?
any tips?
I sit with the vogue knitting book on my lap, but the pictures don't make sense and the edge looks really weird.
I tried wendy's method, but then I have to stitch the flap down...Not sure I like that.
I'm learning so much these days, and I love it!!!