Friday, May 25, 2007

Excuse me while I show my inner geek.

Actually I had no idea that it was today--but it just so happens I dyed Star Wars yarn in my shop last week:

My creation

Some have been purchased (you can see them in the "sold items' section of the shop.
I <3 Star Wars

*GRRRR Blogger has eaten half this post about 3 times*

Here is some roving I dyed by special request for a 4-H felting night.
I used food colouring for some:

I'm a nerd so I hung them "ROYGBIV".
Actually the red on the left as well as the bright blue, brown and black were mostly acid dyes.
I couldn't get a real red--hence the pink, with food colouring. Ditto for the blue.
The brown was okay, but pale--so I helped it.
I'm happy--it was fun and fast.

I also dyed some more roving by special request:

Neapolitan and some "ChickswithSticks" in Purple/Orange.

Okay, blogger is going nuts and keeps deleting sentences that I write.
I have spinning pictures to show, maybe tomorrow.