Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Eating, kntting, talking, eating and a little knitting

That's what my weekend consisted of.
My sister was up for the holiday weekend (her holiday, not mine)--they opened their trailer and so I got to hang out with my nephew for a while. We did Sea Monkeys, the kids got wet and dirty--it was a good day.
Sunday was a Sk8park Family Fun day that hubby was running, so we went there for a few hours.
Face painting, fun, family, free--(brought to you by the letter F)

Sunday night we had some food and put the baby to bed and then my sister had a crazy idea--we would leave the "boys" behind with Aidan and we'd take the toddlers back to the trailer, put them to bed and stay up late knitting and tea drinking.
The husbands thought it was a good deal (only 1 kid to manage and he was already sleeping)--so we did it.
We ate junk and read magazines and I really only knit 2 rows.
We were tired at 10pm (silly Mommies) but stuck it out until 1 and then talked until 2am!
The kids actually slept in until 8:30am and then we hit the park.

Fun fun fun.
I came home and crashed for a bit and then put another dent in the Elfine socks
(I thought I had taken a picture, but apparently not)

Did a little dyeing between yesterday and today:
"COMING UP ROSES" Superwash Merino Roving (now in the shop)

and "Pink is the New Black" Sock Yarn in Merino/Tencel--my first try with Tencel and it's dreamy. It's so shiny--hard to see here.


I have a bit more to dye and then I'm out of yarn again...but (cue Big Announcement music)
I have a Business Licence!!!
I got one last week and I'm so excited because I can order yarn from big vendors!!
I just need to fill out my application and send my first big $$$ and I'm all set.
Big stuff

So, now they dye pots, swift and wheel are calling me---I'm off to play before bed.