Thursday, November 08, 2007

Drive by

This is going to be a short one.

My day in pictures:

I co-hosted a morning show with my friend from 6am-9am with a few thousand listeners (like maybe 30,000)

Had to get up at o'dark thirty and crashed when I came home.
Napped and got up just in time for a play date.


The Princesses

the Prince:

Hubby was gone all night and the play date turned into a sleepover.
Once the little Princesses were finally asleep I had some quiet time (there may have been chocolate involved)


This is some BFL from Sakina Needles being spun up on the Lendrum. I love the way it's striping--totally didn't notice until the end.


Sittin' Spinnin'


Hole in the handspun handknit socks that are only about 4 months old.

It's been a big day and I need some sleep to recover.
that and maybe some more chocolate.