Thursday, January 04, 2007

Knitting in Africa?

Yes, it's true.

On July 14th I left on a 3 week adventure to Kenya.
I went with my husband and 21 other people to do some missions work with various organizations.

During our time in Kenya we spent a week with the Mully Children's Family (more info here and here). While there I was able to assist in teaching some of the girls to knit. Yatta is one of the MCF residences which houses mostly girls, former street children and gives them shelter, education and the opportunity to learn a trade that will assist them to escape poverty.

There was a group of girls who had learned to knit the previous year and that since then they had given away more than 250 pairs of knitting needles to graduating girls!
There have been some donations of yarn and needles, but more are needed.

Do you have spare needles around? Mismatched pairs? Too big? Too small? Don't like plastic?

If you have any needles or yarn to spare (even acrylics), please e-mail me at:

The girls would really appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful experience you had...have you contacted local yarn shops and asked them to set out a basket for donations for you....that may bring in a lot more than you may think. Mine collects for the local senior centers and the basket is always full.

Janice said...

Where did you go in Kenya? My son's girlfriend spent 6 weeks in Kenya on a Mission's trip and is heading back there this summer...